public Object recalculate(Object lastState, Map<String, ReadEnd> readEnds, Map<String, ReadWriteEnd> readWriteEnds)
- Bit[] QC = (Bit[]) lastState;
- if (QC == null)
- QC = new Bit[] { U, U, U, U, U };
+ Bit[] QC = castAndInitState(lastState);
Bit CVal = readEnds.get("C").getValue();
protected Object getHighLevelState(Object state, String stateID)
- switch (stateID)
+ Bit[] QC = castAndInitState(state);
+ if ("q".equals(stateID))
+ return BitVector.of(Arrays.copyOfRange(QC, 1, 5));
+ if (stateID.length() == 2 && stateID.charAt(0) == 'q')
- case "q":
- return state == null ? BitVector.of(U, U, U, U) : BitVector.of(Arrays.copyOfRange((Bit[]) state, 1, 5));
- default:
- return super.getHighLevelState(state, stateID);
+ char secondChar = stateID.charAt(1);
+ if (secondChar >= '1' && secondChar <= '4')
+ return BitVector.of(QC[secondChar - '0']);
+ return super.getHighLevelState(state, stateID);
protected Object setHighLevelState(Object lastState, String stateID, Object newHighLevelState)
- switch (stateID)
+ Bit[] QC = castAndInitState(lastState);
+ if ("q".equals(stateID))
- case "q":
BitVector newHighLevelStateCasted = (BitVector) newHighLevelState;
if (newHighLevelStateCasted.length() != 4)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected BitVector of length 4, not " + newHighLevelStateCasted.length());
- System.arraycopy(newHighLevelStateCasted.getBits(), 0, lastState, 1, 4);
- return lastState;
- default:
- return super.setHighLevelState(lastState, stateID, newHighLevelState);
+ System.arraycopy(newHighLevelStateCasted.getBits(), 0, QC, 1, 4);
+ return QC;
+ }
+ if (stateID.length() == 2 && stateID.charAt(0) == 'q')
+ {
+ char secondChar = stateID.charAt(1);
+ if (secondChar >= '1' && secondChar <= '4')
+ {
+ Bit newHighLevelStateCasted;
+ if (newHighLevelState instanceof Bit)
+ newHighLevelStateCasted = (Bit) newHighLevelState;
+ else
+ {
+ BitVector vector = (BitVector) newHighLevelState;
+ if (vector.length() != 1)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected BitVector of length 1, not " + vector.length());
+ newHighLevelStateCasted = vector.getMSBit(0);
+ }
+ QC[secondChar - '0'] = newHighLevelStateCasted;
+ return QC;
+ }
+ return super.setHighLevelState(QC, stateID, newHighLevelState);
+ }
+ private static Bit[] castAndInitState(Object state)
+ {
+ Bit[] QC = (Bit[]) state;
+ if (QC == null)
+ QC = new Bit[] { U, U, U, U, U };
+ return QC;