--- /dev/null
- if (transData.equals(memory.getCell(addressed)))
- return null;
+ package net.mograsim.machine.standard.memory;
+ import java.util.List;
+ import net.mograsim.logic.core.components.BasicCoreComponent;
+ import net.mograsim.logic.core.timeline.Timeline;
+ import net.mograsim.logic.core.timeline.TimelineEventHandler;
+ import net.mograsim.logic.core.types.Bit;
+ import net.mograsim.logic.core.types.BitVector;
+ import net.mograsim.logic.core.wires.CoreWire.ReadEnd;
+ import net.mograsim.logic.core.wires.CoreWire.ReadWriteEnd;
+ import net.mograsim.machine.MainMemory;
+ import net.mograsim.machine.MainMemoryDefinition;
+ /**
+ * A memory component that only allows access to words of a specific width
+ */
+ public class CoreWordAddressableMemory extends BasicCoreComponent
+ {
+ private final MainMemory memory;
+ private final static Bit read = Bit.ONE;
+ private ReadWriteEnd data;
+ private ReadEnd rWBit, address;
+ /**
+ * @param data The bits of this ReadEnd are the value that is written to/read from memory; The bit width of this wire is the width of
+ * a memory word
+ * @param rWBit The value of the 0th bit dictates the mode: 0: Write, 1: Read
+ * @param address The bits of this ReadEnd address the memory cell to read/write
+ */
+ public CoreWordAddressableMemory(Timeline timeline, int processTime, MainMemory memory, ReadWriteEnd data, ReadEnd rWBit,
+ ReadEnd address)
+ {
+ super(timeline, processTime);
+ MainMemoryDefinition definition = memory.getDefinition();
+ if (data.width() != definition.getCellWidth())
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+ String.format("Bit width of data wire does not match main memory definition. Expected: %d Actual: %d",
+ definition.getCellWidth(), data.width()));
+ if (rWBit.width() != 1)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+ String.format("Bit width of read/write mode select wire is unexpected. Expected: 1 Actual: %d", rWBit.width()));
+ if (address.width() != definition.getMemoryAddressBits())
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+ String.format("Bit width of address wire does not match main memory definition. Expected: %d Actual: %d",
+ definition.getMemoryAddressBits(), address.width()));
+ this.memory = memory;
+ this.data = data;
+ this.rWBit = rWBit;
+ this.address = address;
+ memory.registerObserver(a -> update());
+ data.registerObserver(this);
+ rWBit.registerObserver(this);
+ address.registerObserver(this);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected TimelineEventHandler compute()
+ {
+ if (!address.getValues().isBinary())
+ {
+ if (read.equals(rWBit.getValue()))
+ return e -> data.feedSignals(Bit.U.toVector(data.width()));// TODO don't always feed U, but decide to feed X or U.
+ return e -> data.clearSignals();
+ }
+ long addressed = address.getValues().getUnsignedValueLong();
+ if (read.equals(rWBit.getValue()))
+ {
+ BitVector storedData = memory.getCell(addressed);
+ return e -> data.feedSignals(storedData);
+ }
+ BitVector transData = data.getValues();
- memory.setCell(addressed, transData);
++ boolean isNewData = !transData.equals(memory.getCell(addressed));
+ return e ->
+ {
+ data.clearSignals();
++ if (isNewData)
++ memory.setCell(addressed, transData);
+ };
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<ReadEnd> getAllInputs()
+ {
+ return List.of(data, rWBit, address);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<ReadWriteEnd> getAllOutputs()
+ {
+ return List.of(data);
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
-import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
+ package net.mograsim.machine.standard.memory;
+ import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
+ import java.math.BigInteger;
+ import java.util.Random;
++import java.util.stream.LongStream;
- @Test
- public void wordAddressableMemoryLargeTest()
++import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;
++import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource;
+ import net.mograsim.logic.core.timeline.Timeline;
+ import net.mograsim.logic.core.types.Bit;
+ import net.mograsim.logic.core.types.BitVector;
+ import net.mograsim.logic.core.wires.CoreWire;
+ import net.mograsim.logic.core.wires.CoreWire.ReadWriteEnd;
+ import net.mograsim.machine.MainMemoryDefinition;
+ class WordAddressableMemoryTest
+ {
+ private Timeline t = new Timeline(10);
- Random r = new Random();
++ @ParameterizedTest(name = "seed = {0}")
++ @MethodSource("seedsForRandom")
++ public void wordAddressableMemoryLargeTest(long seed)
+ {
+ CoreWire rW = new CoreWire(t, 1, 2);
+ CoreWire data = new CoreWire(t, 16, 2);
+ CoreWire address = new CoreWire(t, 64, 2);
+ ReadWriteEnd rWI = rW.createReadWriteEnd();
+ ReadWriteEnd dataI = data.createReadWriteEnd();
+ ReadWriteEnd addressI = address.createReadWriteEnd();
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+ CoreWordAddressableMemory memory = new CoreWordAddressableMemory(t, 4,
+ new WordAddressableMemory(MainMemoryDefinition.create(64, 16, 4096L, Long.MAX_VALUE)), data.createReadWriteEnd(),
+ rW.createReadOnlyEnd(), address.createReadOnlyEnd());
- for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
++ Random r = new Random(seed);
+ for (long j = 1; j > 0; j *= 2)
+ {
- String sAddress = String.format("%64s", BigInteger.valueOf(4096 + i + j).toString(2)).replace(' ', '0');
- BitVector bAddress = BitVector.parse(sAddress);
++ for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
+ {
- assertEquals(dataI.getValues(), vector);
++ BitVector bAddress = BitVector.from(4096 + i + j, 64);
+ addressI.feedSignals(bAddress);
+ t.executeAll();
+ String random = BigInteger.valueOf(Math.abs(r.nextInt())).toString(5);
+ random = random.substring(Integer.max(0, random.length() - 16));
+ random = String.format("%16s", random).replace(' ', '0');
+ random = random.replace('2', 'X').replace('3', 'Z').replace('4', 'U');
+ BitVector vector = BitVector.parse(random);
+ dataI.feedSignals(vector);
+ rWI.feedSignals(Bit.ZERO);
+ t.executeAll();
+ rWI.feedSignals(Bit.ONE);
+ t.executeAll();
+ dataI.clearSignals();
+ t.executeAll();
++ assertEquals(vector, dataI.getValues(), "seed=" + seed + ", j=" + j + ", i=" + i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
++ public static LongStream seedsForRandom()
++ {
++ return LongStream.range(0, 20);
++ }
+ }