public class Am2900MicroInstructionDefinition implements MicroInstructionDefinition
- private final static MnemonicFamily am2910Instructions = new MnemonicFamily(true, "JZ", "JZ", "CJS", "JMAP", "PUSH", "JSRP", "CJV",
+ private static final BooleanClassification interruptEnable = new BooleanClassification(false, "IE", "Dis");
+ // not implemented, because not documented.
+ private static final MnemonicFamily interruptInstructions = new MnemonicFamily("X", new MnemonicPair("X", BitVector.of(Bit.ZERO, 4)));
+ private static final BooleanClassification kmux = new BooleanClassification(false, "D", "K");
+ private static final MnemonicFamily am2901SrcInstructions = new MnemonicFamily("AB", "AQ", "AB", "ZQ", "ZB", "ZA", "DA", "DQ", "DZ");
+ private static final MnemonicFamily am2901FuncInstructions = new MnemonicFamily("ADD", "ADD", "SUBR", "SUBS", "OR", "AND", "NOTRS",
+ "EXOR", "EXNOR");
+ private static final MnemonicFamily am2901DestInstructions = new MnemonicFamily("NOP", "QREG", "NOP", "RAMA", "RAMF", "RAMQD", "RAMD",
+ "RAMQU", "RAMU");
+ private static final IntegerClassification register = new IntegerClassification(0, 4);
+ private static final BooleanClassification registerSelect = new BooleanClassification(false, "MR", "IR");
+ private static final BooleanClassification abus = new BooleanClassification(true, "H", "AB");
+ private static final BooleanClassification dbus = new BooleanClassification(true, "H", "DB");
+ private static final MnemonicFamily am2904CarryInstructions = new MnemonicFamily("CI0", "CI0", "CI1", "CIX", "CIC");
+ private static final MnemonicFamily am2904ShiftInstructions = new MnemonicFamily("RSL / LSLCO", "RSL / LSLCO", "RSH / LSHCO",
+// private static final MnemonicFamily am2904StatusInstructions = new MnemonicFamily(
+// new String[] { "MI_Zero", "MI_NotZero", "MI_UGTEQ", "MI_ULT", "MI_UGT", "MI_ULTEQ", "MI_SGTEQ", "MI_SLT", "MI_SGT", "MI_SLTEQ",
+// "MA_Zero", "MA_NotZero", "MA_UGTEQ", "MA_ULT", "MA_UGT", "MA_ULTEQ", "MA_SGTEQ", "MA_SLT", "MA_SGT", "MA_SLTEQ" },
+// new long[] { 0b01_0101, 0b01_0100, 0b01_1101, 0b01_1100, 0b01_1110, 0b01_1111, 0b01_0010, 0b01_0011, 0b01_0000, 0b01_0001,
+// 0b10_0101, 0b10_0100, 0b10_1101, 0b10_1100, 0b10_1110, 0b10_1111, 0b10_0010, 0b10_0011, 0b10_0000, 0b10_0001 },
+// 6);
+ // TODO: Maybe "X" and "notX" are swapped.
+ private static final MnemonicFamily am2904StatusInstructions = new MnemonicFamily("Load_Load_I_Z", "LoadM_LoadY_µ_NxorOVRorZ",
+ "Set_Set_µ_NxnorOVRornotZ", "Swap_Swap_µ_NxorOVR", "Reset_Reset_µ_NxnorOVR", "Load_LoadForShiftThroughOvr_µ_Z",
+ "Load_Invert_µ_notZ", "LoadOvrRetain_Load_µ_OVR", "LoadOvrRetain_Load_µ_notOVR", "ResetZ_LoadCarryInvert_µ_CorZ",
+ "SetZ_LoadCarryInvert_µ_notCandnotZ", "ResetC_Load_µ_C", "SetC_Load_µ_notC", "ResetN_Load_µ_notCorZ", "SetN_Load_µ_CandnotZ",
+ "ResetOvr_Load_IM_NxorN", "SetOvr_Load_IM_NxnorN", "Load_Load_µ_NxorOVRorZ", "Load_Load_µ_NxnorOVRornotZ",
+ "Load_Load_µ_NxorOVR", "Load_Load_µ_NxnorOVR", "Load_Load_µ_Z", "Load_Load_µ_notZ", "Load_Load_µ_OVR", "Load_Load_µ_notOVR",
+ "LoadCarryInvert_LoadCarryInvert_µ_CorZ", "LoadCarryInvert_LoadCarryInvert_µ_notCandnotZ", "Load_Load_µ_C", "Load_Load_µ_notC",
+ "Load_Load_µ_notCorZ", "Load_Load_µ_CandnotZ", "Load_Load_µ_N", "Load_Load_µ_notN", "Load_Load_M_NxorOVRorZ",
+ "Load_Load_M_NxnorOVRornotZ", "Load_Load_M_NxorOVR", "Load_Load_M_NxnorOVR", "Load_Load_M_Z", "Load_Load_M_notZ",
+ "Load_Load_M_OVR", "Load_Load_M_notOVR", "LoadCarryInvert_LoadCarryInvert_M_CorZ",
+ "LoadCarryInvert_LoadCarryInvert_M_notCandnotZ", "Load_Load_M_C", "Load_Load_M_notC", "Load_Load_M_notCorZ",
+ "Load_Load_M_CandnotZ", "Load_Load_M_N", "Load_Load_M_notN", "Load_Load_I_NxorOVRorZ", "Load_Load_I_NxnorOVRornotZ",
+ "Load_Load_I_NxorOVR", "Load_Load_I_NxnorOVR", "Load_Load_I_Z", "Load_Load_I_notZ", "Load_Load_I_OVR", "Load_Load_I_notOVR",
+ "LoadCarryInvert_LoadCarryInvert_I_notCorZ", "LoadCarryInvert_LoadCarryInvert_I_CandnotZ", "Load_Load_I_C", "Load_Load_I_notC",
+ "Load_Load_I_notCorZ", "Load_Load_I_CandnotZ", "Load_Load_I_N", "Load_Load_I_notN");
+ private static final BooleanClassification ccen = new BooleanClassification(true, "PS", "C");
+ private static final MnemonicFamily am2910Instructions = new MnemonicFamily("CONT", "JZ", "CJS", "JMAP", "CJP", "PUSH", "JSRP", "CJV",
"JRP", "RFCT", "RPCT", "CRTN", "CJPP", "LDCT", "LOOP", "CONT", "TWB");
- private final static MnemonicFamily am2904StatusInstructions = new MnemonicFamily(true, "MI_Zero",
- new String[] { "MI_Zero", "MI_NotZero", "MI_UGTEQ", "MI_ULT", "MI_UGT", "MI_ULTEQ", "MI_SGTEQ", "MI_SLT", "MI_SGT", "MI_SLTEQ",
- "MA_Zero", "MA_NotZero", "MA_UGTEQ", "MA_ULT", "MA_UGT", "MA_ULTEQ", "MA_SGTEQ", "MA_SLT", "MA_SGT", "MA_SLTEQ" },
- new long[] { 0b01_0101, 0b01_0100, 0b01_1101, 0b01_1100, 0b01_1110, 0b01_1111, 0b01_0010, 0b01_0011, 0b01_0000, 0b01_0001,
- 0b10_0101, 0b10_0100, 0b10_1101, 0b10_1100, 0b10_1110, 0b10_1111, 0b10_0010, 0b10_0011, 0b10_0000, 0b10_0001 },
- 6);
- private final static MnemonicFamily am2904ShiftInstructions = new MnemonicFamily(true, "SL", "SL", "SH", "SCONI", "SDH", "SDC", "SDN",
- "SDL", "SDCO", "SRCO", "SRCIO", "SR", "SDIC", "SDRCI", "SDRCO", "SDXOR", "SDR");
- private final static MnemonicFamily am2904CarryInstructions = new MnemonicFamily(true, "CI0",
- new String[] { "CI0", "CI1", "CIX", "CIC" }, new long[] { 0b00, 0b01, 0b10, 0b11 }, 2);
- private final static MnemonicFamily am2901DestInstructions = new MnemonicFamily(true, "NOP", "QREG", "NOP", "RAMA", "RAMF", "RAMQD",
- "RAMD", "RAMQU", "RAMU");
- private final static MnemonicFamily am2901FuncInstructions = new MnemonicFamily(true, "ADD", "ADD", "SUBR", "SUBS", "OR", "AND",
- "NOTRS", "EXOR", "EXNOR");
- private final static MnemonicFamily am2901SrcInstructions = new MnemonicFamily(true, "AB", "AQ", "AB", "ZQ", "ZB", "ZA", "DA", "DQ",
- "DZ");
- private final static MnemonicFamily interruptInstructions = new MnemonicFamily("X",
- new MnemonicPair("X", BitVector.of(Bit.ZERO, 4))/* TODO */);
- private final static BooleanClassification hL = new BooleanClassification(true, "H", "L");
- private final static BooleanClassification registerSelect = new BooleanClassification(false, "MR", "IR");
- private final static IntegerClassification register = new IntegerClassification(0, 4);
- private final static ParameterClassification[] classes = { new BooleanClassification(true, "Dis", "IE"),
- new IntegerClassification(0, 16), new BooleanClassification(false, "D", "K"), interruptInstructions,
- new BooleanClassification(true, "H", "AB"), registerSelect, register, registerSelect, register, am2901DestInstructions,
- am2901FuncInstructions, am2901SrcInstructions, new IntegerClassification(0, 12), am2910Instructions,
- new BooleanClassification(true, "PS", "C"), am2904StatusInstructions, hL, hL, am2904ShiftInstructions, am2904CarryInstructions,
- new BooleanClassification(true, "H", "DB"), new BooleanClassification(true, "H", "E"), hL,
- new BooleanClassification(true, "H", "E"), new BooleanClassification(true, "H", "I"), new BooleanClassification(true, "R", "W"),
- hL };
+ private static final IntegerClassification constant_12bit = new IntegerClassification(0, 12);
+ private static final IntegerClassification constant_16bit = new IntegerClassification(0, 16);
+ private static final BooleanClassification hE = new BooleanClassification(true, "H", "E");
+ private static final BooleanClassification hI = new BooleanClassification(true, "H", "I");
+ private static final BooleanClassification hL = new BooleanClassification(true, "H", "L");
+ private static final BooleanClassification hLDefaultL = new BooleanClassification(false, "H", "L");
+ private static final BooleanClassification rW = new BooleanClassification(true, "R", "W");
- private final static String[] paramDesc = { "Allow interrupts?", "Interrupt instructions; omitted for simplicity",
+ private static final ParameterClassification[] classes = { interruptEnable, interruptInstructions, kmux, constant_16bit,
+ am2901SrcInstructions, am2901FuncInstructions, am2901DestInstructions, register, registerSelect, register, registerSelect, abus,
+ dbus, am2904CarryInstructions, am2904ShiftInstructions, hLDefaultL, hLDefaultL, am2904StatusInstructions, ccen,
+ am2910Instructions, constant_12bit, hL, hE, hI, hE, hL, rW };
+ private static final String[] paramDesc = { "Allow interrupts?", "Interrupt instructions; omitted for simplicity",
"Get D-input from data bus/constant value", "Constant value", "Operand sources for ALU operation", "ALU operation",
"Destination of ALU calculation", "Register for A-operand", "Get A-operand from instruction register/micro instruction?",
"Register for B-operand", "Get B-operand from instruction register/micro instruction?",