Composite parent = getFieldEditorParent();
addBoolean(DEBUG_OPEN_HLSSHELL, "Open the debug HLS shell", parent);
- addInt("Depth of components to list in the debug HLS shell (0: unbounded)", DEBUG_HLSSHELL_DEPTH, parent);
+ addInt(DEBUG_HLSSHELL_DEPTH, "Depth of components to list in the debug HLS shell (0: unbounded)", parent);
addIntCombo(ACTION_BUTTON, "Mouse button for actions", MOUSE_BUTTONS, parent);
addIntCombo(DRAG_BUTTON, "Mouse button for dragging", MOUSE_BUTTONS, parent);
addIntCombo(ZOOM_BUTTON, "Mouse button for zooming", MOUSE_BUTTONS, parent);
Label dashesDescription = new Label(content, SWT.WRAP);
dashesDescription.setText("Line dashes for single-bit wires displaying the respective value.\n"
- + "Format: As comma-separated list of doubles. The first value is the width of the first segment,\n"
+ + "Format: A comma-separated list of doubles. The first value is the width of the first segment,\n"
+ "the second is the spacing between the first and second segments,\n"
+ "the third is the width of the second segment and so on.");
dashesDescription.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, false, false, 2, 1));
addField(new BooleanFieldEditor(name, label, parent));
- private void addInt(String label, String name, Composite parent)
+ private void addInt(String name, String label, Composite parent)
addField(new IntegerFieldEditor(name, label, parent));