logic gates and, or and xor now take an arbitrary amount of inputs.
[Mograsim.git] / era.mi / src / era / mi / logic / components / gates / MultiInputGate.java
1 package era.mi.logic.components.gates;\r
2 \r
3 import java.util.Arrays;\r
4 import java.util.Collections;\r
5 import java.util.List;\r
6 \r
7 import era.mi.logic.Bit;\r
8 import era.mi.logic.components.BasicComponent;\r
9 import era.mi.logic.wires.WireArray;\r
10 import era.mi.logic.wires.WireArray.WireArrayInput;\r
11 \r
12 public abstract class MultiInputGate extends BasicComponent\r
13 {\r
14         protected WireArray[] in;\r
15         protected WireArray out;\r
16         protected WireArrayInput outI;\r
17         protected final int length;\r
18         protected Operation op;\r
19         \r
20         protected MultiInputGate(int processTime, Operation op, WireArray out, WireArray... in)\r
21         {\r
22                 super(processTime);\r
23                 this.op = op;\r
24                 length = out.length;\r
25                 this.in = in.clone();\r
26                 if(in.length < 1)\r
27                         throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Cannot create gate with %d wires.", in.length));\r
28                 for(WireArray w : in)\r
29                 {\r
30                         if(w.length != length)\r
31                                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("All wires connected to the gate must be of uniform length.");\r
32                         w.addObserver(this);\r
33                 }\r
34                 this.out = out;\r
35                 outI = out.createInput();\r
36         }\r
37 \r
38 \r
39         @Override\r
40         public List<WireArray> getAllInputs()\r
41         {\r
42                 return Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(in));\r
43         }\r
44 \r
45         @Override\r
46         public List<WireArray> getAllOutputs()\r
47         {\r
48                 return Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(out));\r
49         }\r
50         \r
51         protected void compute()\r
52         {\r
53                 Bit[] result = in[0].getValues();\r
54                 for(int i = 1; i < in.length; i++)\r
55                         result = op.execute(result, in[i].getValues());\r
56                 outI.feedSignals(result);\r
57         }\r
58         \r
59         protected interface Operation\r
60         {\r
61                 public Bit[] execute(Bit[] a, Bit[] b);\r
62         }\r
63 }\r