WireArrayEnd now created with U and GUITest supports U
[Mograsim.git] / era.mi / src / era / mi / logic / tests / ComponentTest.java
1 package era.mi.logic.tests;\r
2 \r
3 import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;\r
4 \r
5 import java.util.Arrays;\r
6 import java.util.function.LongConsumer;\r
7 \r
8 import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;\r
9 \r
10 import era.mi.logic.Bit;\r
11 import era.mi.logic.Simulation;\r
12 import era.mi.logic.components.Demux;\r
13 import era.mi.logic.components.Merger;\r
14 import era.mi.logic.components.Mux;\r
15 import era.mi.logic.components.Splitter;\r
16 import era.mi.logic.components.TriStateBuffer;\r
17 import era.mi.logic.components.gates.AndGate;\r
18 import era.mi.logic.components.gates.NotGate;\r
19 import era.mi.logic.components.gates.OrGate;\r
20 import era.mi.logic.components.gates.XorGate;\r
21 import era.mi.logic.wires.WireArray;\r
22 import era.mi.logic.wires.WireArray.WireArrayEnd;\r
23 \r
24 class ComponentTest\r
25 {\r
26 \r
27         @Test\r
28         void circuitExampleTest()\r
29         {\r
30                 Simulation.TIMELINE.reset();\r
31                 WireArray a = new WireArray(1, 1), b = new WireArray(1, 1), c = new WireArray(1, 10), d = new WireArray(2, 1),\r
32                                 e = new WireArray(1, 1), f = new WireArray(1, 1), g = new WireArray(1, 1), h = new WireArray(2, 1), i = new WireArray(2, 1),\r
33                                 j = new WireArray(1, 1), k = new WireArray(1, 1);\r
34                 new AndGate(1, f, a, b);\r
35                 new NotGate(1, f, g);\r
36                 new Merger(h, c, g);\r
37                 new Mux(1, i, e, h, d);\r
38                 new Splitter(i, k, j);\r
39 \r
40                 a.createInput().feedSignals(Bit.ZERO);\r
41                 b.createInput().feedSignals(Bit.ONE);\r
42                 c.createInput().feedSignals(Bit.ZERO);\r
43                 d.createInput().feedSignals(Bit.ONE, Bit.ONE);\r
44                 e.createInput().feedSignals(Bit.ZERO);\r
45 \r
46                 Simulation.TIMELINE.executeAll();\r
47 \r
48                 assertEquals(Bit.ONE, j.getValue());\r
49                 assertEquals(Bit.ZERO, k.getValue());\r
50         }\r
51 \r
52         @Test\r
53         void splitterTest()\r
54         {\r
55                 Simulation.TIMELINE.reset();\r
56                 WireArray a = new WireArray(3, 1), b = new WireArray(2, 1), c = new WireArray(3, 1), in = new WireArray(8, 1);\r
57                 in.createInput().feedSignals(Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE);\r
58                 new Splitter(in, a, b, c);\r
59 \r
60                 Simulation.TIMELINE.executeAll();\r
61 \r
62                 assertBitArrayEquals(a.getValues(), Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO);\r
63                 assertBitArrayEquals(b.getValues(), Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO);\r
64                 assertBitArrayEquals(c.getValues(), Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE);\r
65         }\r
66 \r
67         @Test\r
68         void mergerTest()\r
69         {\r
70                 Simulation.TIMELINE.reset();\r
71                 WireArray a = new WireArray(3, 1), b = new WireArray(2, 1), c = new WireArray(3, 1), out = new WireArray(8, 1);\r
72                 a.createInput().feedSignals(Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO);\r
73                 b.createInput().feedSignals(Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO);\r
74                 c.createInput().feedSignals(Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE);\r
75 \r
76                 new Merger(out, a, b, c);\r
77 \r
78                 Simulation.TIMELINE.executeAll();\r
79 \r
80                 assertTrue(\r
81                                 Arrays.equals(out.getValues(), new Bit[] { Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE }));\r
82         }\r
83 \r
84         @Test\r
85         void triStateBufferTest()\r
86         {\r
87                 WireArray a = new WireArray(1, 1), b = new WireArray(1, 1), en = new WireArray(1, 1), notEn = new WireArray(1, 1);\r
88                 new NotGate(1, en, notEn);\r
89                 new TriStateBuffer(1, a, b, en);\r
90                 new TriStateBuffer(1, b, a, notEn);\r
91 \r
92                 WireArrayEnd enI = en.createInput(), aI = a.createInput(), bI = b.createInput();\r
93                 enI.feedSignals(Bit.ONE);\r
94                 aI.feedSignals(Bit.ONE);\r
95 \r
96                 Simulation.TIMELINE.executeAll();\r
97 \r
98                 assertEquals(Bit.ONE, b.getValue());\r
99 \r
100                 bI.feedSignals(Bit.ZERO);\r
101 \r
102                 Simulation.TIMELINE.executeAll();\r
103 \r
104                 assertEquals(Bit.X, b.getValue());\r
105                 assertEquals(Bit.ONE, a.getValue());\r
106 \r
107                 aI.clearSignals();\r
108                 enI.feedSignals(Bit.ZERO);\r
109 \r
110                 Simulation.TIMELINE.executeAll();\r
111 \r
112                 assertEquals(Bit.ZERO, a.getValue());\r
113 \r
114         }\r
115 \r
116         @Test\r
117         void muxTest()\r
118         {\r
119                 Simulation.TIMELINE.reset();\r
120                 WireArray a = new WireArray(4, 3), b = new WireArray(4, 6), c = new WireArray(4, 4), select = new WireArray(2, 5),\r
121                                 out = new WireArray(4, 1);\r
122                 WireArrayEnd selectIn = select.createInput();\r
123 \r
124                 selectIn.feedSignals(Bit.ZERO, Bit.ZERO);\r
125                 a.createInput().feedSignals(Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO);\r
126                 c.createInput().feedSignals(Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE);\r
127 \r
128                 new Mux(1, out, select, a, b, c);\r
129                 Simulation.TIMELINE.executeAll();\r
130 \r
131                 assertBitArrayEquals(out.getValues(), Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO);\r
132                 selectIn.feedSignals(Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE);\r
133                 Simulation.TIMELINE.executeAll();\r
134 \r
135                 assertBitArrayEquals(out.getValues(), Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE);\r
136 \r
137                 selectIn.feedSignals(Bit.ONE, Bit.ONE);\r
138                 Simulation.TIMELINE.executeAll();\r
139 \r
140                 assertBitArrayEquals(out.getValues(), Bit.Z, Bit.Z, Bit.Z, Bit.Z);\r
141 \r
142         }\r
143 \r
144         @Test\r
145         void demuxTest()\r
146         {\r
147                 Simulation.TIMELINE.reset();\r
148                 WireArray a = new WireArray(4, 3), b = new WireArray(4, 6), c = new WireArray(4, 4), select = new WireArray(2, 5),\r
149                                 in = new WireArray(4, 1);\r
150                 WireArrayEnd selectIn = select.createInput();\r
151 \r
152                 selectIn.feedSignals(Bit.ZERO, Bit.ZERO);\r
153                 in.createInput().feedSignals(Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO);\r
154 \r
155                 new Demux(1, in, select, a, b, c);\r
156                 Simulation.TIMELINE.executeAll();\r
157 \r
158                 assertBitArrayEquals(a.getValues(), Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO);\r
159                 assertBitArrayEquals(b.getValues(), Bit.U, Bit.U, Bit.U, Bit.U);\r
160                 assertBitArrayEquals(c.getValues(), Bit.U, Bit.U, Bit.U, Bit.U);\r
161                 selectIn.feedSignals(Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE);\r
162                 Simulation.TIMELINE.executeAll();\r
163 \r
164                 assertBitArrayEquals(a.getValues(), Bit.Z, Bit.Z, Bit.Z, Bit.Z);\r
165                 assertBitArrayEquals(b.getValues(), Bit.U, Bit.U, Bit.U, Bit.U);\r
166                 assertBitArrayEquals(c.getValues(), Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO);\r
167 \r
168                 selectIn.feedSignals(Bit.ONE, Bit.ONE);\r
169                 Simulation.TIMELINE.executeAll();\r
170 \r
171                 assertBitArrayEquals(a.getValues(), Bit.Z, Bit.Z, Bit.Z, Bit.Z);\r
172                 assertBitArrayEquals(b.getValues(), Bit.U, Bit.U, Bit.U, Bit.U);\r
173                 assertBitArrayEquals(c.getValues(), Bit.Z, Bit.Z, Bit.Z, Bit.Z);\r
174 \r
175         }\r
176 \r
177         @Test\r
178         void andTest()\r
179         {\r
180                 Simulation.TIMELINE.reset();\r
181                 WireArray a = new WireArray(4, 1), b = new WireArray(4, 3), c = new WireArray(4, 1);\r
182                 new AndGate(1, c, a, b);\r
183                 a.createInput().feedSignals(Bit.ONE, Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO, Bit.ZERO);\r
184                 b.createInput().feedSignals(Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE);\r
185 \r
186                 Simulation.TIMELINE.executeAll();\r
187 \r
188                 assertBitArrayEquals(c.getValues(), Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO, Bit.ZERO);\r
189         }\r
190 \r
191         @Test\r
192         void orTest()\r
193         {\r
194                 Simulation.TIMELINE.reset();\r
195                 WireArray a = new WireArray(4, 1), b = new WireArray(4, 3), c = new WireArray(4, 1);\r
196                 new OrGate(1, c, a, b);\r
197                 a.createInput().feedSignals(Bit.ONE, Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO, Bit.ZERO);\r
198                 b.createInput().feedSignals(Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE);\r
199 \r
200                 Simulation.TIMELINE.executeAll();\r
201 \r
202                 assertBitArrayEquals(c.getValues(), Bit.ONE, Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE);\r
203         }\r
204 \r
205         @Test\r
206         void xorTest()\r
207         {\r
208                 Simulation.TIMELINE.reset();\r
209                 WireArray a = new WireArray(3, 1), b = new WireArray(3, 2), c = new WireArray(3, 1), d = new WireArray(3, 1);\r
210                 new XorGate(1, d, a, b, c);\r
211                 a.createInput().feedSignals(Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE, Bit.ONE);\r
212                 b.createInput().feedSignals(Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE);\r
213                 c.createInput().feedSignals(Bit.ONE, Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE);\r
214 \r
215                 Simulation.TIMELINE.executeAll();\r
216 \r
217                 assertBitArrayEquals(d.getValues(), Bit.ZERO, Bit.ONE, Bit.ONE);\r
218         }\r
219 \r
220         @Test\r
221         void rsLatchCircuitTest()\r
222         {\r
223                 Simulation.TIMELINE.reset();\r
224                 WireArray r = new WireArray(1, 1), s = new WireArray(1, 1), t1 = new WireArray(1, 15), t2 = new WireArray(1, 1),\r
225                                 q = new WireArray(1, 1), nq = new WireArray(1, 1);\r
226 \r
227                 new OrGate(1, t2, r, nq);\r
228                 new OrGate(1, t1, s, q);\r
229                 new NotGate(1, t2, q);\r
230                 new NotGate(1, t1, nq);\r
231 \r
232                 WireArrayEnd sIn = s.createInput(), rIn = r.createInput();\r
233 \r
234                 sIn.feedSignals(Bit.ONE);\r
235                 rIn.feedSignals(Bit.ZERO);\r
236 \r
237                 Simulation.TIMELINE.executeAll();\r
238 \r
239                 assertEquals(Bit.ONE, q.getValue());\r
240                 assertEquals(Bit.ZERO, nq.getValue());\r
241 \r
242                 sIn.feedSignals(Bit.ZERO);\r
243 \r
244                 Simulation.TIMELINE.executeAll();\r
245                 assertEquals(Bit.ONE, q.getValue());\r
246                 assertEquals(Bit.ZERO, nq.getValue());\r
247 \r
248                 rIn.feedSignals(Bit.ONE);\r
249 \r
250                 Simulation.TIMELINE.executeAll();\r
251 \r
252                 assertEquals(Bit.ZERO, q.getValue());\r
253                 assertEquals(Bit.ONE, nq.getValue());\r
254         }\r
255 \r
256         @Test\r
257         void numericValueTest()\r
258         {\r
259                 Simulation.TIMELINE.reset();\r
260 \r
261                 WireArray a = new WireArray(4, 1);\r
262                 a.createInput().feedSignals(Bit.ONE, Bit.ONE, Bit.ONE, Bit.ONE);\r
263 \r
264                 Simulation.TIMELINE.executeAll();\r
265 \r
266                 assertEquals(15, a.getUnsignedValue());\r
267                 assertEquals(-1, a.getSignedValue());\r
268         }\r
269 \r
270         @Test\r
271         void multipleInputs()\r
272         {\r
273                 Simulation.TIMELINE.reset();\r
274                 WireArray w = new WireArray(2, 1);\r
275                 WireArrayEnd wI1 = w.createInput(), wI2 = w.createInput();\r
276                 wI1.feedSignals(Bit.ONE, Bit.Z);\r
277                 wI2.feedSignals(Bit.Z, Bit.X);\r
278                 Simulation.TIMELINE.executeAll();\r
279                 assertBitArrayEquals(w.getValues(), Bit.ONE, Bit.X);\r
280 \r
281                 wI2.feedSignals(Bit.ZERO, Bit.Z);\r
282                 Simulation.TIMELINE.executeAll();\r
283                 assertBitArrayEquals(w.getValues(), Bit.X, Bit.Z);\r
284 \r
285                 wI2.feedSignals(Bit.Z, Bit.Z);\r
286                 Simulation.TIMELINE.executeAll();\r
287                 assertBitArrayEquals(w.getValues(), Bit.ONE, Bit.Z);\r
288 \r
289                 wI2.feedSignals(Bit.ONE, Bit.Z);\r
290                 w.addObserver((i, oldValues) -> fail("WireArray notified observer, although value did not change."));\r
291                 Simulation.TIMELINE.executeAll();\r
292                 assertBitArrayEquals(w.getValues(), Bit.ONE, Bit.Z);\r
293         }\r
294 \r
295 //      @Test\r
296         void wireConnections()\r
297         {\r
298                 // Nur ein Experiment, was über mehrere 'passive' Bausteine hinweg passieren würde\r
299 \r
300                 Simulation.TIMELINE.reset();\r
301 \r
302                 WireArray a = new WireArray(1, 2);\r
303                 WireArray b = new WireArray(1, 2);\r
304                 WireArray c = new WireArray(1, 2);\r
305                 WireArrayEnd aI = a.createInput();\r
306                 WireArrayEnd bI = b.createInput();\r
307                 WireArrayEnd cI = c.createInput();\r
308 \r
309                 TestBitDisplay test = new TestBitDisplay(c);\r
310                 TestBitDisplay test2 = new TestBitDisplay(a);\r
311                 LongConsumer print = time -> System.out.format("Time %2d\n   a: %s\n   b: %s\n   c: %s\n", time, a, b, c);\r
312 \r
313                 cI.feedSignals(Bit.ONE);\r
314                 test.assertAfterSimulationIs(print, Bit.ONE);\r
315 \r
316                 cI.feedSignals(Bit.X);\r
317                 test.assertAfterSimulationIs(print, Bit.X);\r
318 \r
319                 cI.feedSignals(Bit.X);\r
320                 cI.feedSignals(Bit.Z);\r
321                 test.assertAfterSimulationIs(print, Bit.Z);\r
322 \r
323                 new Connector(b, c);\r
324                 test.assertAfterSimulationIs(print, Bit.Z);\r
325                 System.err.println("ONE");\r
326                 bI.feedSignals(Bit.ONE);\r
327                 test.assertAfterSimulationIs(print, Bit.ONE);\r
328                 System.err.println("ZERO");\r
329                 bI.feedSignals(Bit.ZERO);\r
330                 test.assertAfterSimulationIs(print, Bit.ZERO);\r
331                 System.err.println("Z");\r
332                 bI.feedSignals(Bit.Z);\r
333                 test.assertAfterSimulationIs(print, Bit.Z);\r
334 \r
335                 new Connector(a, b);\r
336                 System.err.println("Z 2");\r
337                 aI.feedSignals(Bit.Z);\r
338                 test.assertAfterSimulationIs(print, Bit.Z);\r
339                 test2.assertAfterSimulationIs(Bit.Z);\r
340                 System.err.println("ONE 2");\r
341                 aI.feedSignals(Bit.ONE);\r
342                 test.assertAfterSimulationIs(print, Bit.ONE);\r
343                 test2.assertAfterSimulationIs(Bit.ONE);\r
344                 System.err.println("ZERO 2");\r
345                 aI.feedSignals(Bit.ZERO);\r
346                 test.assertAfterSimulationIs(print, Bit.ZERO);\r
347                 test2.assertAfterSimulationIs(Bit.ZERO);\r
348                 System.err.println("Z 2 II");\r
349                 aI.feedSignals(Bit.Z);\r
350                 test.assertAfterSimulationIs(print, Bit.Z);\r
351                 test2.assertAfterSimulationIs(Bit.Z);\r
352 \r
353                 System.err.println("No Conflict yet");\r
354                 bI.feedSignals(Bit.ONE);\r
355                 test.assertAfterSimulationIs(print, Bit.ONE);\r
356                 test2.assertAfterSimulationIs(Bit.ONE);\r
357                 aI.feedSignals(Bit.ONE);\r
358                 test.assertAfterSimulationIs(print, Bit.ONE);\r
359                 test2.assertAfterSimulationIs(Bit.ONE);\r
360                 System.err.println("Conflict");\r
361                 aI.feedSignals(Bit.ZERO);\r
362                 test.assertAfterSimulationIs(print, Bit.X);\r
363                 test2.assertAfterSimulationIs(Bit.X);\r
364                 aI.feedSignals(Bit.ONE);\r
365                 test.assertAfterSimulationIs(print, Bit.ONE);\r
366                 test2.assertAfterSimulationIs(Bit.ONE);\r
367         }\r
368 \r
369         private static void assertBitArrayEquals(Bit[] actual, Bit... expected)\r
370         {\r
371                 assertArrayEquals(expected, actual);\r
372         }\r
373 }\r